Sunday, November 25, 2007

Debate On Media influence

Everyone can agree that there is violence in the media, there is no way to deny it. But is that violence influential to the viewers? This is the question that has many people in contemplation.

Some people, such as I, strongly believe that the content in the media influences human behavior. Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may become "immune" or numb to the horror of violence, gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems, imitate the violence they observe on television and identify with certain characters, victims and/or victimizers. (source: www. As children we observe our surroundings, this is how we grow. If the fertilizer is poison, then what will the plant look like when it is all grown?

While some believe that violence in the media influences violent behavior, others feel that it does not. Looking at video games in particular, some think that there is not a correlation between game violence and real violence. They feel that the research that has been conducted for this subject is insufficient. ( In truth they do not want to see what is truly happening. The thought of humans being violent, greedy, possessive, conniving, jealous prideful, hateful, beings is unconceivable.

Getting hard evidence that there is correlation between media violence and real violence is hard to accomplish. But if one had any common sense they would realize that the things we associate ourselves with have an effect on our being.

If you do not think that media influences human behavior, put two and two together, use your brain. Just as your voice sounds like your siblings, your behavior mimics your surroundings; this form of copy cat is how we have learned to survive.


aRiver(s)Sidem said...

wow i like your very last little paragraph about our voices sounding like our siblings and the mimicing part..good comparisons and it's a good way to get your truthful point across!

Anonymous said...

I think there's biological proof that we adapt to our surroundings...if our surroundings include this intense media world, it follows that we will adapt to that too. Some good points-- a little heavier on personal opinions than research info, but you do have two sources.

Aracelyh said...

Its cool what you wrote nice work good job

Crisol Tellez said...

I agree there is lotes of violence in the media!! Your doing a good job i like reading your blog.