Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finale....Not Final E

Broadcast indecency was an interesting topic to write about and I do not regret choosing it, but I do feel that I could have chosen a topic more educational, more concrete. Though not very factual, writing on this topic has made me more aware of the indecency in this country. By becoming more aware of the indecency, I have come to understand the affect broadcasts have on people and thankfully that there are people in this country who care about those effects. While writing my blogs the wonder of how people will sacrifice their values for money has disturbed me regularly. Then I thought too that this has been a problem for people since forever, and I wonder why it surprised me in the first place. I have been studying my topic for months now, and the most important thing I have learned is not to take things for face value. If I could give a word of advice to anyone who reads this is not to take things for what they appear to be. Interpret what you are experiencing and try your best to form your own opinion.

If I needed to pick one blog that I like most, I would have to say it is the poem I wrote. I feel that it encompasses much of my opinion in a short few lines and out of all of the blogs it is the best written. One can always do better, if I were to do one thing better while writing these blogs, it would be to work more regularly. I allowed for multiple assignments to build up, then while writing them I would not write in depth like I may have wanted to.

I feel that writing blogs over the internet was a convenient and technologically advanced way of completing assignments, it allowed for access to my account from really anywhere. Though access to my account was easy, writing comments was somewhat hard. Logging on and surfing people’s accounts was a little hard to remember and I never really got around to it. When I did read other’s blogs though, I found it very interesting. Blogs allowed for me to discover other’s opinions; by doing so, in a way I was able to get to know people better. Though leaving comments was somewhat difficult all was not so complicated. Writing self evaluations I feel was the easiest part of this project. Realizing where I was standing in my project was simple because the information was right in my own mind. I did not need to go and find any sort of information. Self evaluations were simple, easy and never took much time.

I am happy that I studied broadcast indecency. By doing so, I have become more aware of some of the problems in this country. By becoming aware of problems, I can now try to determine how to overcome troubles I will face in the future.

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