Thursday, September 27, 2007

Broadcast Indecency Introduction

"I don't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with -- stone clubs." - Albert Einstein

Countries are on the brink of nuclear warfare, young children are using illegal drugs, teens are getting abortions and 1 out of 4 people have a sexually transmitted disease. The existence of humanity is towing a thin line and people, especially Americans, are not even aware of the danger we are living in. Horrendous mishaps are occurring daily and our media, which we are surrounded by on a daily basis, only seems to promote the human crisis we are presently in.
The music that the youth of this country is allowed to listen to preaches how well endowed, "gangstas" are to be big drug dealers. And rap music refers to women as bitches and hoes. The young generation of this country is surrounded by this egotistical bullshit daily and as a side effect they are under misconceptions that it is OK to call women bitches! The saddest factor about this epidemic is that if the children in our country had had better leadership, this fault would not be a part of our culture.
It is well known that sex sells, and because of this greedy factor, sex is everywhere. In movies, commercials, music videos, magazines, even geeky video games. With all of this exposure, the place where sex is aired the most is in our thoughts. Combine this with the natural hormones of a sixteen year old, there should be no confusion to why there are so many teen pregnancies. We expose our youth to sex, then we do not embrace it. On one side of a billboard is an orgasmic Herbal Essence commercial and on the other is an add against abortions. With all of the sex exposure that is in our media, we are provided with barely no safety measures. For very 100 Viagra commercials there may be one condom commercial. The amount of sex in our media and the way that it is presented is unacceptable.
Even our News system shows visible signs of corruption. Today a headline story in the news is the OJ Simpson ordeal; a has been football player who got away with murdering his wife. In reality people do not truly want to hear about this crook and yet that is what the news provides. The people in this country are not supplied with a sufficient amount of news and we are unknowingly suffering for it.
We are in the middle of a war, a war where the outcome is either the end of our existence in this world or a trial of peace; and yet most American people are kept in the dark, and preoccupied with stories of celebrity's murder trials and pointless news occurrences.
Most of the contents in our media are ridiculously irrelevant to our daily life. The indecency of our broadcast does nothing but pervert the American psyche. A great benefit of living in America is that we are allowed to say what we want when we want, many countries do not receive this privilege. But there is a point where to much is enough. I believe what is aired on our televisions should be monitored a great deal more than it is today, if not monitored then just not aired; this country would be better off for it.