Sunday, November 25, 2007

Debate On Media influence

Everyone can agree that there is violence in the media, there is no way to deny it. But is that violence influential to the viewers? This is the question that has many people in contemplation.

Some people, such as I, strongly believe that the content in the media influences human behavior. Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may become "immune" or numb to the horror of violence, gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems, imitate the violence they observe on television and identify with certain characters, victims and/or victimizers. (source: www. As children we observe our surroundings, this is how we grow. If the fertilizer is poison, then what will the plant look like when it is all grown?

While some believe that violence in the media influences violent behavior, others feel that it does not. Looking at video games in particular, some think that there is not a correlation between game violence and real violence. They feel that the research that has been conducted for this subject is insufficient. ( In truth they do not want to see what is truly happening. The thought of humans being violent, greedy, possessive, conniving, jealous prideful, hateful, beings is unconceivable.

Getting hard evidence that there is correlation between media violence and real violence is hard to accomplish. But if one had any common sense they would realize that the things we associate ourselves with have an effect on our being.

If you do not think that media influences human behavior, put two and two together, use your brain. Just as your voice sounds like your siblings, your behavior mimics your surroundings; this form of copy cat is how we have learned to survive.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Children's Media

Recently there has been much concern for the violence, the sexual content and the bad language that is incorporated into adolescent TV programs and media in general. Today, each and every piece of media available to the public is created with the interest of making money. Coincidentally for some unknown and twisted reason, everything that we would like to ride this world of is what most of us are attracted to. With undiscovered shame, the genre the American people want to see most is that of reality TV shows. Shows with the harsh reality we must face such as sex, violence, and crime. People get wrapped up in television lives where in real reality they cease to live their own.

Our past daily influences are what shaped us into the people we are today. We get our ascents form the language we speak, what would make s think that we would not get some sort of ascent from all of the media influence we get? One might find it disturbing to think about the influences that is reaching our youth, our future. All sorts of explicate content fills our media. How much and to what extent is our youth being exposed to?

The youth in America, ages 2 through 18, participate in six to eight hours of media a day. In one day they watch more TV, listen to more music and read more magazines than they sleep. Think about it. We are most usually always listening to music, on the computer, reading a magazine etc, we are almost always completely immersed in media. There is no way that one can have so much exposure to an outside influence and think that there will be no side effects. That is like staying out in the sun and expecting not to get sun burned. There is always an opposite and equal reaction for everything that happens in this world. One would have to wonder what the reaction is when such a heavy supply of harsh content is weighing on our pliable youth.

One topic in particular that is disturbing scientists and has concerned parents is the amount of violence that is publicized. The National Television Violence Study evaluated almost 10,000 hours of broadcast programming from 1995 through 1997. Nearly 417 days of television programs, more than a full year of material, was studied. The NTV found that 61% of the programs examined portrayed interpersonal violence, much of it in an entertaining or glamorized manner.

Frequently American media portrays violence as a necessary means to succeed; often “heroes” are portrayed using violence as a justified means of resolving conflict and prevailing over others. They observed that television, movies, and music videos depicted weapons as a source of personal power and in turn makes them wanted and accepted in the media.

Alarmingly the highest proportion of violence found in TV programming was in children's shows. Of all animated feature films produced in the United States between 1937 and 1999, 100% portrayed violence. How often is anything 100%? Watching adolescent programs as an older viewer, mush fo the content surprised me.

Just because we are immune to the things that we are watching does not make them ok/acceptable. We are allowing harmful influential content to reach our children. If we are not allowed to go around killing people, then why is it allowed on our TV? It seems to me that we in a way are telling our children to go out I in the rain but not to get wet. Material that is being provided for is affecting; it is cluttering, hazing and creating a thought pattern that would not be found in the mind unless we put it there. It is the lack of processed knowledge that keeps people blissfully unaware of the harsh and soon to be bitter matters of this world. Violence we are expected never to commit is deemed ok in media, People are concerned for the content in children’s media because there is reason to be.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where am I?

By writing these blog assignments, I have been noticing broadcast indecency more than ever before.

One memory from TV the stuck out to me was a Burger King commercial. The commercial was quite frankly, premeditated murder. Mothers were blatantly, without falter asking a hit man to whack Mr. King. When my friend Steve and I watched this commercial, we sort of looked at each other in shock. Oh did it get our attention.

I have been observing how much media really influence people. Transformation happens on such a large scale one might not even notice the miniature revolutions that alter nations. Everywhere you turn there is a form of media in your view. It seems to me that we live in some sort of byproduct of mainstream media. It has affected virtually everything that happens in this country.

The media is so large that trying to correct it is quite impossible. Media can be a good thing when it is used properly, but recently it seems to me to be promoting everything that we as a human race should try to eradicate.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Journalistic Standards

I read a chapter from the book Mightier that the Sword, called, “How the News Media Have Shaped History: Focusing on the How.” This was an interesting read about the author’s opinion on what he thought to be common characteristics found in influential journalism. Particularly the organizations that covered 14 of the most historically influential events this country has seen. He made some very interesting points that I most likely would never have thought of otherwise.

He revealed that successful news reporters lead the news and do not merely report it. He stated, “Not for a moment did these fearless journalists waver in their commitment to excellence in news coverage...” Influential journalists try to get the information that is needed to sufficiently report the lead they are following. They do their best to report the whole story to the people, not just chapters of it. Good journalists are steadfast in reporting the news, and do not let self harm get in the way of reporting a story. Journalists do not hold personal interests above their duties as a reporter. Journalists also harness the powerful influence of visual pictures. Ultimately Rodger Streitmatter believes, “the news organizations that have taken leading roles in shaping this country have consistently recognized that the pen, as well as visual image, can be mightier than the sword-and mightier than tyranny or bigotry or demagoguery or political corruption.”

These principles have greatly influenced journalism throughout history. Propaganda in the most concealed form was being created by journalists who had the ambition and brains to be influential in the field of news media. These principles I think keep journalism the cleanest it can be. When journalists begin to stray away from these standards is when things can get dirty and American opinions soiled.

Source: "Mightier than the Sword" Written by Rodger Streitmatter, copywrite:1997

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Growth Of Ethnocentrism

I wrote this for my government class, it in not directly related to media, but I would like for people to read it, hopefully you can get something out of it.

Ethnocentrism grows like a tree; the seed is planted when a blind eye is turned, it sprouts when people allow ignorance to build, grows leaves from the stem of ignorance and connects to the trunk of culture.

One’s culture plays a great role in the growth of ethnocentrism, like the trunk to a tree an individual’s culture supports them. As Ruth Benedict put it, “From the moment of his birth, the customs into which (an individual) is born shapes his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk he is a little creature of his culture.” The most significant of all aspects that one’s culture teaches, are values. Some cultures may teach to value material items, or maybe the land of which they were born. Perhaps some teach to be open to other’s beliefs, or maybe it nurtures fear of things unknown. As Dorothy Thompson made clear by the words, “There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings.” When your culture keeps you blind to issues in the world, ignorance grows and fear is installed into your being. “You have to be taught to hate and fear, it has to be drummed in your dear little ear. You have to be carefully taught.”- Oscar Hammerstein

When people in society are ethnocentric, unable to except others for who they are, the results can be unthinkable. Social and racial segregation has haunted the human race since the time we first congregated, people have been beaten, spit on, even murdered due to these issues. As history has proven when people of significance fear others and become ethnocentric, this is when the most devastation occurs. “The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness.”-Unknown

I think that a person could reasonably argue that most conflicts in history started due to ethnocentrism. The seed of ethnocentrism is planted when people turn a blind eye to matters of the world. When people do not consider the other side of things, they cannot relate in any way. Not being able to relate ends all chances of acceptance, or even tolerance. Tolerance is a powerful force in human nature, because if something cannot be tolerated, then it is most likely brought to an end, no matter what it is. When citizens are ethnocentric the results can be heartrending, but when people with power become ethnocentric the results can be heartbreaking. Governments have done horrendous acts in the past, when a leading system is infected with an infectious disease, the plague quickly spreads. The Holocaust, the slaughtering of Native Americans, the genocide that is occurring in Sudan has all taken place due to ethnocentrism. The only thing worse than the ignorance that causes ethnocentrism, is that when you are ignorant you know not what you do. You are blind to what you have done or what you are doing, and you will keep doing it until you learn, if you learn, that it is wrong. Like a blind man who is not familiar with his surroundings, you will continually keep hitting your shins on tables and walking into walls until you finally learn where you are going.

Though many people do not realize it, ethnocentrism is as great of a force as it has ever been. It is the twenty first century and many people are under the impression that racism is behind us. “To assume makes an ass out of you and me.”-Unknown. This assumption is just another seed that is being planted, the beginning of more problems. In order to truly end ethnocentrism we need to step into other’s shoe’s, see where they are coming from and how they got there, only then can we really see where they are.


It is difficult to say whether or not certain subjects in our media should be censored. I am sure you as well as I enjoy the freedom that in particularly the First Amendment gives us.

I am sure you have heard "Ignorance is bliss." I often wonder if people would be better off remaining ignorant to some of the matters in this world. Then I think again, what would happen if we did not know. Just because we are blissfully unaware of something that is going on around us doesn't make it unreal.

But then again maybe it was the freedom of expression that got us in this tight spot in the first place. The human mind is darker than anyone really knows; when voiced and able to influence others the whiplash can be back breaking.

I don’t; think we should live in a place where we are unable to voice what we please. I just wish we could live in a place where we do not have to worry about what is being said.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

You’ve All Heard it Before

You’ve All Heard it Before

You’ve all heard it before,

Many end up wanting more.

If you left this world tomorrow

Would you be wishing for more time to borrow?

You’ve all heard it before,

We too easily ignore

What this life is truly for.

Think on it, it will shake you to the core.

You’ve all heard it before,

If only this life was filled with love, and nothing more.

Things would be different,

Things would be decent.

You’ve all heard it before,

We are only waiting for an outpour.

Changes will be quicker than ever before.

Listen to my words I am sure you will concur.

You’ve all heard it before,

Live each day as if it were our last,

Because each day lived is a day of your past.

My only advice is to open your eyes. This is the first step in becoming wise.

-Melissa Nelson